Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dating sites complicate DATING

The days of DATING SITES seemingly being for people that can't get enough attention when he or she is out in public are over.

Nowadays, most men and women are choosing to give love a try on either one or several dating sites. There's always going to be creeps, and people that you don't want to cross paths online. Same is true for the grocery store. And, that's kind of the approach that most people take when deciding to get on a site.

Don't you miss college, when you met a person that could potentially be your other half every semester? Just saying.

Anyway. One of my good friends, who will remain nameless, recently found a person he describes as his soul mate on a free dating site, which is completely out of the norm. A lot of other people tend to put more trust in paid dating sites, thinking that a person that is putting money into his or her search for love is more serious or likely to not just be trying to get a one night stand.

He swears that a site is a site. People are people. "Yo, just like in the club," my boy said. "You can only click with one. I was on a free site, and there were plenty of people I wouldn't talk to. But I was able to find my match, and I'm almost positive I wouldn't have met her at the spots I chill. Ya know."

I would have to agree... simply because I am very familiar with where he hangs most of the time.


So, this is where things to get complicated. I apologize for only being able to use one example here. But I think this holds true for anyone that finds a person they want to build with online.

After he met his lady my boy had to figure out what to do with the other women that he was trying to meet, get to know, figure out, take out, see how they clicked, and so forth.

"Ay, a couple of them seemed aight," he said."What should I do? Do I delete my page now?"


"What about the other women, bruh," he then asked. "I'm supposed to tell them that I'm sorry for seeming like I'm interested for the last few days only to say I don't want to communicate anymore. How lame is that?"

I sat back, and honestly felt him on that one. In most dating situations (unless you're a playa) you generally date and get to know one person at a time. Well, on a site, a person could be getting "hollared" at by four or five people are week.

"Man, I had at least five inbox messages a day," he said. "Some of them were straight, bruh."

Couldn't help but laugh after that one. Back to this blog. I think that's complicated. The easiest thing to do would be treating it normally. Like, me, I'm dating someone and I have stopped calling, responding and having dates with random female friends. Same should happen after finding a potential match online.

Things don't have to be complicated. Just be a man, or a woman and cut the other prospects loose. You're actually doing them a favor. Some of them are probably hoping things go further, whereas, you've realized you want to move forward with your MATCH.

Aight. I'm going to close out on this one. I need to go train someone. But I thought this was interesting after talking about it last night.

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